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High Vacuum Evaporator EM ACE600

Lui Che Woo B127


Key Features and Benefits:

1. Metal layer coating

● It is used for high-resolution SEM morphology observation

●  Electron beam evaporation coating and visualization of DNA

2. Evaporation carbon film

● It is used for EDS/WDS analysis of non-conductive samples

● It is used for extraction and replication to prepare TEM samples

● Coating conductivity of serial sections

● It is used for carbon coating of grids support film

● High-pressure frozen sapphire coating and surface marking

3. Glow discharge

● It is used to clean the surface adsorbed gas of the sample

● It is used for the hydrophilization of TEM grids and support film

4. Cryo-transfer coating

● It is used for fine coating of samples during frozen transport

● Fracture and sublimation etching of frozen samples

● Freeze-drying of aqueous samples