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Disome-seq reveals widespread ribosome collisions that promote cotranslational protein folding

In this study, we performed disome-seq to sequence mRNA fragments protected by two stacked ribosomes, a product of translational pauses during which the 5′-elongating ribosome collides with the 3′-paused one. We detected widespread ribosome collisions that are related to slow ribosome release when stop codons are at the A-site, slow peptide bond formation from proline, glycine, asparagine, and cysteine when they are at the P-site, and slow leaving of polylysine from the exit tunnel of ribosomes. The structure of disomes obtained by cryo-electron microscopy suggests a different conformation from the substrate of the ribosome-associated protein quality control pathway. Collisions occurred more frequently in the gap regions between α-helices, where a translational pause can prevent the folding interference from the downstream peptides.

