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Structures of human dual oxidase 1 complex in low-calcium and high-calcium states

Dual oxidases (DUOXs) produce hydrogen peroxide by transferring electrons from intracellular NADPH to extracellular oxygen. They are involved in many crucial biological processes and human diseases, especially in thyroid diseases. DUOXs are protein complexes co-assembled from the catalytic DUOX subunits and the auxiliary DUOXA subunits and their activities are regulated by intracellular calcium concentrations. Here, we report the cryo-EM structures of human DUOX1-DUOXA1 complex in both high-calcium and low-calcium states. These structures reveal the DUOX1 complex is a symmetric 2:2 hetero-tetramer stabilized by extensive inter-subunit interactions. Substrate NADPH and cofactor FAD are sandwiched between transmembrane domain and the cytosolic dehydrogenase domain of DUOX.

